
Final Justice

Alex was in bad shape. Just this side of dead, lying in a dumpster, but he couldn’t give up. Crawling out of the garbage, the first thing he noticed, beyond the pain, was that Vee was gone. He had only one option – to keep going.

Out to the street he walked.

All around there was only the otherworldly destruction of burned-out cars, broken windows, and empty streets. Houston had fallen further into chaos, brimming with violence and a population at each other’s throats.

When Alex and Ranger find their old friends…

…they got a bit of news about Wendy.

And then he collapsed.

Wendy almost made it out, but the skinheads tracked her down and now she was in a room, alone, and sure of only one thing. They plan to sell her to Vargas. She can’t let that happen.

Will she get another chance to free herself?

Would she ever see Alex again?

You’ll love this fifth and final book in this post-apocalyptic survival thriller because, Alex and Wendy are the types of heroes with grit who keep us turning the pages.

Get it now.